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2018 Issue

  1. Auer Benjamin, Rosenberger Philipp (Austria). Why hybrid projects fail - Development of a retrospective assessment method for hybrid projects
  2. Bauer Nicole, Rosenberger Philipp, Wimmer Hubert (Austria). Acquirement of IT-Project Management As An Agile Project
  3. Bielińska Natalia, Osbert-Pociecha Grażyna (Poland). Women As Project Managers 
  4. Ciarlo Marisa, Grop Alessandro, Panico Mattia, Sassetti Simone (Italy). Leadership’s Value In Project Management
  5. Csiszárik-Kocsir Ágnes (Hungary). How Should We Handle The Risks In Projects? – According To The Opinion of Hungarian SME’s
  6. Csiszárik-Kocsir Ágnes (Hungary). The Relevance of Project Success Criteria and Requirements in Project Management
  7. Morad Mohamed, El-Sayegh Sameh (United Arab Emirates). Critical Success Factors For Earned Value Analysis In Managing Construction Projects 
  8. Nowak Maciej, Targiel S. Krzysztof, Błaszczyk Bożena, Kania Sebastian  (Poland). Stakeholders in Minning Projects 
  9. Saáry Reka. (Hungary). Residents’ Attitudes Towards Urban Development Projects: The Case of Budapest 
  10. Sampietro Marco, Nieto-Rodriguez Antonio (Italy, USA). Project Management at Top Business Schools 
  11. Suárez T Edgardo (USA). How To Kill a Project Before It Kills You, And Survive To Tell It. 
  12. Trenkner Małgorzata (Poland). Social Aspects of The Project Management On The Example pf Implementing Lean Management
  13. Uzulans Juris (Latvia). Methodological Analysis of The Project Risk Management Concept ‘Risk’.
  14. Wang Kun, Stewart Ian (United Kingdom).  Proposing New Directions On Project Management Professionalisation – With a Social Exchange Perspective 
  15. Reeson Mark (United Kingdom). Changing the World One Person At a Time - Living Sustainability. SMART Community  Modelling in Action
  16. Tysiak Wolfgang (Germany). A Deeper Insight Into The Human Factor In Project Risk Management 
  17. Marciszewska Anna (Poland). Project Maturity As The Way To Improve Non-Profit Organisations - Truth Or Myth?  
  18. Brajer-Marczak Renata (Poland). Projects As Tool For Process Improvement


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