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2017 Issue

  1. Barbosa A.R. Adriano (Brazil). Productivity & Innovation as a Support in Project Management: A Study Through Construction Industry in Brazil
  2. Bragantini Damiano, Licciardi Matteo (Italy). Stakeholders Communication Approach: A New Era
  3. Cewinska Joanna, Krasnova Anna (Poland). Cooperation and Competition in Project Teams
  4. Crespi-Vallbona Montserrat, Miró Oscar Mascarilla, Ribot Ricard Vilalta (Spain). Innovation in the Management of Interorganizational Oenologic Tourism Projects. The Case of Pla De Bages Wine Area (Barcelona, Spain)
  5. Csiszárik-Kocsir Ágnes (Hungary). The Hungarian SMES’ Opinions About the Project Financing
  6. Csiszárik-Kocsir Ágnes, Varga János (Hungary). Crisis – Project – Risk: According to the Opinions of Hungarian SMES’
  7. Džidić Sanin, Bračković Emir (Bosnia and Herzegovina). Proposal of the Monitoring and Evaluation Approach for Community Public Infrastructure Improvement Projects
  8. Džidić Sanin, Kapetanović Omar (Bosnia and Herzegovina). Application of the Monitoring Tools for University Departments of Architecture Development and Improvement Projects
  9. Grzesiak Lena, Striker Małgorzata (Poland). The Relevance of Internal Audit and Internal Auditors Competencies in Project Management – Theoretical Approach
  10. Guedes F. Jorge (Portugal).  Continuous Improvement and Waste Reduction for Organizations – an Introduction to LEAN IT 
  11. Hodžić Majra, Hrůzová Helena (Czech Republic). New Directions in Project Management: The Rise of Project Governance
  12. Hofman Mariusz, Grela Grzegorz (Poland). An Empirical Investigation on the Project Portfolio Risks Correlations
  13. Ikonen Ilkka (Finland). Critical Success Factors of Defence Equipment Projects
  14. Kozarkiewicz Alina, Kabalska Agnieszka (Poland). Management of Creative Projects – Challenges and Paradoxes
  15. Littman J. Michael, Littman S. Ezra (USA). Six Ethical Leadership Strategies for Project Management Success
  16. Mikhieieva Olga (Ukraine), Waidmann Matthias (Germany). Communication Management Tools for Managing Projects in an Intercultural Environment
  17. Nuseibah Ala, Sleibi Noura, Reimann Christian, Hirsch Martin (Palestine, Germany). Authoring Industrial Augmented Reality Applications
  18. Palkovits-Rauter Silke (Austria). Commonalities of Project and Process Management from Organizational Viewpoint
  19. Paterek Pawel (Poland). Agile Transformation in Project Organization – Issues, Conditions and Challenges
  20. Polak Jarosław, Wójcik Przemysław (Poland). How and Why Do Organisations Learn from Projects. Project Knowledge to Knowledge Project Portfolio
  21. Pūlmanis Emīls (Latvia). Assessment of the micro-economical impact factors of e-governance projects
  22. Rosenberger Philipp, Struzl Katharina (Austria). Managing an Agile Developed IT - Project - Portfolio
  23. Roze Jānis, Roze Jana (Latvia). The Relationship Between a Project Manager’s Self-Perceived Level of Emotional Intelligence and Psychological Climate, as Perceived by Project Team Members
  24. Sadkowska Joanna (Poland). The Impact of the Project Environment Uncertainty on Project management Practices in Family Firms
  25. Sivaraman Raji (Singapore/USA), Raczka Michal (Poland). A Project Manager’s Personal Agility Sightings
  26. Sluka Inese, Geide Oskars, Svecnikova Liga (Latvia). Analysis of Project Manager Competencies in Job Postings in Latvia
  27. Targiel S. Krzysztof (Poland). Modeling the Structures of Stakeholder Preferences
  28. Thattakath Emil William, Čiutienė Rūta (Lithuania). The Relationship Between Dynamic Capabilities and Project Portfolio Risk Management: Theoretical Framework
  29. Tsiga Zakari, Emes Michael, Smith Alan (United Kingdom). Attitudes and Personality Towards Risk Management in the Construction Industry 
  30. Tysiak Wolfgang (Germany). Monte Carlo Simulation and Agile Methods in Project Risk Management
  31. Uzulans Juris (Latvia). The Epistemological Analysis of the Concept “Risk” un Project Risk Management
  32. Varga János (Hungary). Basis for Organizational Competitiveness: Project Management in the Life of the Corporations
  33. Varga János, Csiszárik-Kocsir Ágnes (Hungary). Women in the Project Management
  34. Wolff Carsten (Germany). Management of an Industry-University-Cluster: ruhrvalley 
  35. Robinson C. Neil (United Kingdom). Life is a Project: Enabling Life Skills in Cross-Cultural Transition 


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