10th issue e-ISSN 2501-0263 (2021) - EBSCO indexation
9th issue e-ISSN 2501-0263 (2020) - EBSCO indexation
8th issue e-ISSN 2501-0263, ISSN 2256-0513 (2019) - EBSCO indexation
7th issue e-ISSN 2501-0263, ISSN 2256-0513 (2018) - EBSCO indexation
6th issue e-ISSN 2501-0263, ISSN 2256-0513 (2017) - EBSCO indexation
5th issue ISBN 978-9934-14-849-1 (2016) - EBSCO indexation
4th issue ISBN 978-9984-45-985-1 (2015) - EBSCO indexation
3rd issue ISBN 978-9984-49-470-8 (2014) - EBSCO indexation
2nd issue ISBN 978-9984-45-695-9 (2013)
1st issue ISBN 978-9984-49-470-8 (2012)
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