The Publication Ethics and Malpractice Statement
References should be numbered in the order cited in the manuscript. The correct format for references is the following:
Article: author, title, journal (in italics), volume and issue number, year, inclusive pages
Example: 1. Matthew N. Murray. Competition over the Tax Base in Sales Tax, Public Finance Review, Vol. 34, No 3, 2006, pp. 258- 281.
Book: author, title (in Italics), location of publishers, publishers, year, whole pages
Example: 2. John E. Hanke, Arthur G. Reitsch, Dean W. Wichem, Business Forecasting, 7th edit.,: Prentice Hall, Inc., 2005. 498 p.
Conference Proceedings: author; title of an article; proceedings (in italics); title of a conference, date and place of a conference; publishing house, year, concrete pages
Example: 3. Juris Krumins. A Role of Statistics and Demography in the research projects of Social Sciences in Latvia. In: Research in Statistics – Basis of Social Sciences and Education: Conference Proceedings, Riga, Latvia, October 3–7, 2003, University of Latvia. Riga: University of Latvia, 2004, p. 120-124.
Abstracts should be sent to: Silvija Bruņa – and Emīls Pūlmanis –
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